Here we go again

Here we go agian

Quinto Lam

1/31/20230 min read

Hi hello there, I'm Quinto Lam, Author of Edward Gate and the Retrieval. Here we go again with writing the 2nd book. When you see this blog, I'm going to start writing my second book tomorrow. Wow... I'm already working on my second book. I don't know how to feel, but I've gotten the hang of being an author... sort of, so I think I can make an amazing 2nd book for y'all. My dream for writing has never been to earn a lot of money, I just want to share a story that I hand-crafted. I've started planning since the 21st of January and I think this story is going to be amazing. I just can't believe that I'm writing a book again!

And that when I publish this 2nd book it'll be the end of 2023 and we will all be preparing for 2024. I don't want these blogs to be too boring and educational, I just want to share what's on my mind right now. Writing a book is something great to get my mind off of things. Since I can only play badminton when sessions are booked, and who wants to study? (Just kidding stay in school, I just don't like studying myself.) So writing this book has achieved a childhood dream of mine, and also healed me of my boredom.

Thank you to everyone who has motivated me to write this book. You, the reader, has also motivated me to work on this project. Anyways, buy my book at and have an amazing day :)